How Do We Make Sure Our Farm Is Healthy?
How long can you go on working? 5 days a week?
How about 7 days?
Working round the clock can be exhausting and detrimental to anyone. Same goes for farmland. Farmlands, especially those in agriculture-first nations like India, are as much of a resource as they are a responsibility. Which means that they need a break to rest & rejuvenate just like us. This period of apparent inactivity is called the “fallow period”.
Each region of this country has its own traditions and routines when it comes to agriculture and farming. When it comes to us, we follow a two season routine with a brief fallow period in between. This period usually ranges from 2 to 2.5 months with little to no cropping.
But how exactly does this help the land?
Soil replenishment & rejuvenation
Usually agricultural land is packed with crops to harvest throughout the year. When this happens, the soil naturally gets depleted of its nutrients. A fallow period in between heavy farming seasons can enable microbial activity resulting in an increased level of nutrients in the soil.
Moisture conservation
Due to heavy tillage and constant cropping, the soil might end up losing its moisture content, especially in naturally dry climates. As we are based out of Tamil Nadu, we understand the importance of moisture locked in the soil all too well. This is why we give such great importance to the fallow period.
Weed control
Weed growth seriously threatens the re-use of agricultural land. More often than not, pesticides and chemicals are used to curb weed growth. But since we stay away from any kind of chemical influx into the soil, we focus on producing quality produce in the most organic way possible. Fallow period lets weeds dry out & curbs their growth naturally.
Stabilising the soil
When a land is left bare open, we expose it to soil erosion due to wind and rain. A fallow period entails cover crops that provide a thin layer of protection to the land, and require minimum tillage. This strengthens the soil & allows it to build organic matter. This is what enables the land to produce quality output in the upcoming cropping season
Enriching soil biodiversity
Allowing the land to rest can help microorganisms that live in the soil to thrive. This significantly strengthens the soil’s biodiversity. These microorganisms play a pivotal role in enabling crop growth in the upcoming season.
We respect nature because we believe that is the rightful way of life. Any product you purchase from Ammatha’s is made out of fresh ingredients sourced from our own farm, grown and harvested as ethically as possible.
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